Beauty Nopes! Lush Cupcake

One of my biggest pet peeves about the beauty bloggers and vloggers that I follow is when they do not share products they do not like! So in order to break from that mold of only showing you my favorites, I want to share those products that have me literally saying out loud "NOPE". Instead of making this a monthly post, like my favorites, I am going to make this a weekly post with about one or two products that I have tried that are just not worth your time or money and why I think that!

Before the move I had a roommate who worked at Lush, so I was fortunate enough to try a bunch of different masks, a lot of which will end up in these Nope posts, and Cupcake was my favorite one but reacted the worst with my skin. The mask is technically made for that overly oily skin teenagers have and includes ingredients to cool, calm redness, and deep cleanse the skin. All of which sounds amazing, and for someone who was overly oily for years and still has oily days, it seemed like it would be a good fit (especially during that time of the month). Plus it smells like a chocolate cupcake, nom noms.

Boy was I wrong, it dried my skin out completely which resulted in a week of overly oily skin that needed to replenish itself! I ended up breaking out due to the overage of oil, but I knew in order to get back to normal, I couldn't keep using too many spot treatments with alcohol to dry out the skin. I had to ride it out, clogged pores and all. Now to say it didn't work for me and my normal-oily skin is an understatement. Do I think teens should be using something so potent? Nope! I'm sure there are people picking this one up due to the fact that it's called cupcake without a regard for how it will react to their skin, but for those of you thinking about purchasing this for the benefits, I'd like to caution you to grab a sample beforehand just in case the clay base soaks up all of the natural oils your skin needs.

I hope you guys will enjoy reading about the products I don't like, if I happen to include something that is your favorite, please do not take it to heart! We all have different skin types, body types, and opinions. That's why the makeup industry keeps on growing, we want more! Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for next week's Beauty Nopes!


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