Kylie Cosmetics Birthday Collection

This is long over-due, however in my list of hauls I would like to post, this is the most exciting. At least in my opinion. Who knew that I shared a birthday with a Kardashian and her b-day lippie would be Leo. I became obsessed, even though I owned nothing from her line and had no desire to until then.


Leo, for me, was a must have. Between the deep burgundy color and the name, I accidentally ordered 2 kits I was so excited. Little did I know this lippy wouldn't live up to what I thought it was. The lip liner glides on like a charm but is not even when attempting to fill in the entire lips. When wearing the liquid lip with or without the liner, it becomes cracked through out the day, and continues to wear off starting from the center of the mouth. Now this is completely normal for a liquid to matte lip stick to dry and possibly crack, however, KVD and ABH ones will last all day before doing so. The color is beautiful, but I do not believe this product was worth it.


Just to try out a gloss, I chose this flashy sheer gold one because who doesn't need a little pop of gold every now and again, no pun intended. This gloss smells like vanilla frosting and I love it. The gloss is not too sticky and glides on. The only thing I wasn't expecting was the applicator. The glosses have the small paint brush while the lip sticks have the doe foot applicator. This is a simple product, a little pricey at like $16 (it's been pulled from their website since August), but I think this is the best product I've purchased from the bunch.


I was completely intrigued by the fact that Lord is a metal lipstick and I don't see myself using this very often, maybe for looks this fall and winter...maybe as a topper to metalicize other lipsticks. Here I am brain storming, any-who, I have high hopes for this one.  I definitely tried it out, but this one looks so weird riding solo. I'm excited to see what this holds in the future. So far, it's a cool idea, but I still don't know how I feel about gold lips.

Rose Gold

Rose Gold Creme Shadow is the one product I have not touched yet but I am very excited for. Look out for this one in the winter!

Dark Bronze

I needed to get my hands on the first round of liner from this girl, and I am not a fan. the brush was too small, there was not enough pay off from the pencil liner, so I got rid of the pot. I was upset that this didn't work out, so we're just not going to talk about it. Meh.

I'd love to hear about your Kylie purchases! Let me know what you guys think or if you guys found a way to make some of these products work, I'm very curious. As always, thanks for reading! More Halloween to come!


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