
Today  is the roughest of all days. I lost my car keys, which also hold my house keys. Finding my spare and asking Nick for the house key as I was rushing to make my lunch, warm up a breakfast sandwich and find a pair of shoes to match my outfit all while running late for my 20 minute commute to work was exceptionally tiring at 7AM. My day hasn't even started since I am scheduled to work 7:30AM to 6:30PM and somehow praying for overtime. In the end - as in by the time I got to my car at 7:12 - I left my sandwich in the microwave, found my spare, took Nick's house key, found a pair of bright blue flats that do not match my black dress, and somehow made it to work with 5 minutes of walking time knowing full well I was ignoring the 4 signs I passed that clearly stated 55MPH on 202.
Regardless of the wonderful start to my morning, I am half way through my first bottle of water infused with pineapples and blackberries. My absolute favorite so far out of the infused combinations I have tried in the past week. Key word: week. One week (7 whole days - now 9), I survived without the luxurious taste of Coca-Cola. I miss it. I tell Nick, who has decided to join the March Madness Challenge with me, that we should just finish the soda that is in the fridge and call it even. He called me out yesterday for being a true addict when he found a 2-liter, which I do not recall purchasing, on the top of the fridge. I officially need to purge my life, which includes but not limited to, my car, bedroom, kitchen, desk at work, guest bedroom, and anywhere else I have hidden a can, 1-liter, 2-liter, or 16.9 ounce bottle of Coca-Cola.
Yesterday, Nick and I decided to dabble in the art of mixology in order to eliminate the tie between drinking alcohol mixed with soda. We had Bacardi Pineapple and Coconut and Malibu to mix into fruity drinks that we could both enjoy. After a trip to Shop-rite for just juice, we ended up with a bunch of Ocean sprays - Cran-Grape, White Cran-Peach, White Cran-Strawberry, and Wave Berry Medley with White Cranberries. Nick also picked up V8 V-Fusion Peach Mango, which was ranked #1 most of the day. We sat back and mixed while watching Lucy - That crazy movie with Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman about what would happen if we used 100% of our brain. Awesome, btw. 

Most of the mixtures we made were with the White Cran-Peach, White Cran-Strawberry, and V8 V-Fusion Peach Mango. These three mixed so well with both of the rums without an awful after taste. Now, I do understand that these liquors are pretty fruity themselves, but this was on purpose to enhance the juices. Plus, we were getting in some of our water intake by adding sparkling water to trick ourselves into getting those soda bubbles we love so much. After digging on the top of the fridge, I found Pinnacle Whipped, which paired very nicely with the Cran-Grape. The only juice that we picked up that was on the nasty side with and without liquor was Wave Berry Medley with White Cranberries.
To know there are more options than just taking shots with Coke cans lined up next to me, encourages me to think that this March Madness Challenge, may not just be a one month challenge afterall. It may be a lifestyle change that I've needed all along. It feels so refreshing that I'm learning I do not need Coca-Cola on a daily basis or even to have fun. It's also nice to know I don't have to start drinking more wine. I can stick with hard liquors as I have for years.

Pictures to follow!! Cheers!

Below I am linking the majority of the products we used in mixing our drinks so any one can try them at home and whatever else I've mentioned.


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