The End..Or is it?

It's over. It's a little bittersweet. I get to have Coca-Cola again, or any soda for that matter, but I have opened myself up to a whole new world of beverages. Putting importance on water has been the greatest lesson I have learned. Whether that water is infused with fruit, veggies, and spices, or it's sparkling, or even when it's just plain Jane, I've learned it is important to hydrate my body on a daily basis.
At first I was treating this like a diet, 5 days on and 2 days off, but once I forced myself to incorporate the idea of a life style change is when I realized where this journey and motivation began and I'm not done. If I were to get off now, I won't know where the train was headed. I want to figure out where this is going to take me. Completely reap the benefits of H2O in this world that I have opened myself up to. Coca-Cola is no longer a crutch I need and as funny as it may sound, I could still fall off the wagon. If I try soda again, you will know. For now it is a waste of money and energy to drink so much sugar in one day especially how engerized and amazing I feel after not having a drop for 31 days.
As Nick has supported me and joined me in this journey, we have been able to create drinks and infused water combinations together and we have loved every minute of it. Plus if it weren't for him, I would have had a Coke by now, if not one everyday. We are leaving for Vacation in a few weeks, and I would love to explore being on Vacation and not allowing ourselves to dive back into sodas. Yet another challenge!
Although it's a short post and not much of an update, be sure to know, it's not over!
0 oz. left in my challenge but plenty more to explore, more posts and more challenges!


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